Send Someone a Happiness Kit

If you’ve noticed that a new kid in school is having trouble making friends, or if a neighbor or family member has been feeling blue, send them a happiness kit. 

Start with an old shoebox, mug, or an empty basket not being used for something else. Next, fill it with a few things that you think might bring this person joy.  Maybe a joke book, a mug with a smiley face on it, some fresh fruit, a kindness rock, or other items you think they’ll enjoy. Finish it off with a handwritten note of kindness to the person who is feeling blue. When it’s all ready, leave it in a place where you know your friend will find it.

What You’ll Need to Complete this Adventure:

  • Paper, Pencils, Markers, Stickers and other craft supplies to make cards and to decorate the box

  • gently used books to pass along

  • a shoe box or other small box

  • Cost: $-$$

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Send Someone a Happiness Kit

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Adventures in Kindness

This adventure is an excerpt from Adventures in Kindness, an action & adventure book for kind kids. Click here to order your copy today!


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